Sample of Subject Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language. It refers to the concept of ensuring that the subject and verb of a sentence agree in number. In simple terms, if the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural as well.

Here are some samples of subject-verb agreement to give you a better idea:

1. Singular subject with a singular verb:

– The dog chases the ball.

In this sentence, the subject (dog) is singular, and the verb (chases) is also singular.

2. Plural subject with a plural verb:

– The cats chase the mice.

Here, the subject (cats) is plural, and the verb (chase) is also plural.

3. Singular subject with a helping verb:

– The book is on the table.

The subject (book) is singular, and the helping verb (is) is also singular.

4. Compound subject with a plural verb:

– Jenny and John are at the park.

The compound subject (Jenny and John) is plural, and the verb (are) is also plural.

5. Indefinite pronoun as a subject:

– Everybody is invited to the party.

In this sentence, `everybody` is an indefinite pronoun, and it is treated as a singular subject. Therefore, the verb (is) is also singular.

6. Collective noun as a subject:

– The team plays well.

A collective noun represents a group of people or things, but it is treated as a singular subject. The verb (plays) is also singular.

7. Subject and verb separated by a phrase:

– The girl, along with her friends, goes to the movies.

The subject (girl) is singular, and the verb (goes) is also singular.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial to ensure clarity and proper communication in written English. It is essential to pay attention to the number of the subject and use the appropriate verb accordingly. Practice and mastery of subject-verb agreement can help improve the quality of writing and prevent grammatical errors.

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